25 Most Popular Songs of 2016 Mashed Up in One Video

The resulting musical composition includes the songs from Billboard Hot 100 chart.

American DJ Jordan Roseman, known as DJ Earworm, published a video called United State of Pop 2016 on his channel, where he took 25 most popular songs of the year and turned them into a single 4-minute track, The Next Web writes.

The resulting musical composition includes the songs from Billboard Hot 100 chart: among them Stressed Out and Heathens by Twenty One Pilots, Black Beatles by a hip-hop duo Rae Sremmurd and a joint work by Rihanna and Drake called Work.

DJ Earworm has published such selections for the past several years: they become very popular and have millions of views each time. For instance, a similar video about the popular songs of 2015 has already been watched over 12 million times.

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