Adweek Names the Best Advertising Video of Super Bowl 2017

The five-minute video was watched by almost nine million people in two days.

Following the annual tradition, Adweek selected the best advertising video of Super Bowl, the annual championship game of the National Football League in the US, when large companies pay millions of dollars to show their ads during the broadcast of the match.

Out of tens of expensive videos that were published online before the game, Adweek chose the video of 84 Lumber, a building materials supply company, called Journey. It tells the story of a mother and a daughter who take a long trip, hoping to cross the border between Mexico and the US.

Despite the fact that the video was published only two days ago, it already has almost nine million views and tens of thousands of likes on social networks. At some point, because of the popularity of the video, it was impossible to access the website of 84 Lumber — the website was down for several hours, because too many people tried to view it.

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