Chair of the Jury at World Press Photo Explains Why He Did Not Vote for the Winning Photograph

Stuart Franklin shared his opinion of the photograph that won the WPP.

Guardian published a column by photographer and Magnum Photos member Stuart Franklin who chaired the jury at this year’s World Press Photo: he explained why he did not vote for the winning photograph — the work by Turkish photojournalist Burhan Ozbilici who captured the assassination of the Russian Ambassador Andrei Karlov in Ankara.

Franklin says that Ozbilici is a truly brave photographer and his photograph is undoubtedly impactful, but additional fame only encourages the terrorists who are planning such assassinations, meant to be a show. “I voted against. Sorry, Burhan. It’s a photograph of a murder, the killer and the slain, both seen in the same picture, and morally as problematic to publish as a terrorist beheading.”

He also says that any image has the right to exist if it causes the emotional response in the viewer and the feeling of compassion — then, they are serving the good cause. “This image achieves neither, although I’m sorry for the victim’s family and those wounded during his killing,” the photographer adds.

The winners of World Press Photo were announced on February 13. The best works of the competition are available in the article by Bird in Flight.

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