World Press Photo Winner Donald Weber to Teach a Three-Day Workshop in Kyiv

Canadian photographer and faculty member at the Royal Academy of Art at The Hague will teach the participants how to promote their work and obtain funds to implement their projects.

On June 16-18, Bird In Flight Photo School in Kyiv will host a three-day workshop of Canadian photographer, winner of two World Press Photo awards Donald Weber entitled “How and Where to Find Financing for Implementing Your Idea”. The workshop consists of lectures, practice, presentations and discussion of projects: the participants will learn to build their portfolio, find out how to promote their work in the art market and obtain financing.

“Every photographer dreams of financial independence. Especially when it comes to working on their own project,” Donald Weber says. “How to do what you want and not depend on anyone? Where to find funds for that? How to write a successful grant application? During the workshop, we will work on your project descriptions — from the initial pitch to the final presentation — and write grant applications, we will analyze successful and acknowledged photographic projects, and study all the components needed to work in the contemporary photography field.”

The detailed program is available on the Facebook event page. You need to register if you want to take part in the workshop. The number of participants is limited.

Cover photo: From Donald Weber's Facebook profile

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