David Stewart Won Taylor Wessing Photography Prize

Anoush Abrar and Peter Zelewski placed second and third respectively.

Five Girls by David Stewart, which depicts his daughter surrounded by her friends, was named Photo of the Year by the jury of Taylor Wessing Photography Prize, BBC writes. The author will receive a prize of £12,000.

“I have always had a fascination with the way people interact — or, in this case, fail to interact, — Stewart said. — While the girls are physically very close and their style and clothing highlight their membership of the same peer group, there is an element of distance between them”.

Hector, a portrait of a baby by Anoush Abrar, placed second, and the third prize went to Peter Zelewski for his picture Nyaueth, taken in one of the streets of London.

The winning works will be exhibited at the National Portrait Gallery in London between November 12, 2015 and February 21, 2016.


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