Instagram of the Day: Strange Videos from 1980s and 1990s

New VHS video excerpts are constantly added to the profile.

Authors of the Instagram account @vhsdude daily post short fragments from digitized VHS cassettes from the 1980s and 1990s. Among them are fragments of movies, music videos, advertisement videos and TV shows.

VHSDude creators also have a similar blog on Flickr and sell T-shirts with styled retro prints.

Any takers? #VHSunday #KidsPraise

Видео опубликовано It Came From the VCR (@vhsdude)

#RayStevens is culturally sensitive.

Видео опубликовано It Came From the VCR (@vhsdude)

#BibleMan takes one for the team. #VHSunday

Видео опубликовано It Came From the VCR (@vhsdude)

Cowboys, Corn Flakes, Clooney & Ninjas! #ReturnOfTheKillerTomatoes

Видео опубликовано It Came From the VCR (@vhsdude)

Don't worry folks, #DaffyDuck has this Hitler problem under control!

Видео опубликовано It Came From the VCR (@vhsdude)

It's #VHSunday with #Anchel and the #ProKidsShow

Видео опубликовано It Came From the VCR (@vhsdude)

Relieving pressure. #?

Видео опубликовано It Came From the VCR (@vhsdude)

#ChairDancing for life!!

Видео опубликовано It Came From the VCR (@vhsdude)

What Child is This?

Видео опубликовано It Came From the VCR (@vhsdude)

I usually don't do political posts… @BillClinton

Видео опубликовано It Came From the VCR (@vhsdude)

More ninja action than you can handle!!

Видео опубликовано It Came From the VCR (@vhsdude)

#Puppetoon version of #AliceInWonderland from 1949. #?

Видео опубликовано It Came From the VCR (@vhsdude)

We're all sure that this ISN'T Kristen Wiig, right? #KristenWiig #?

Видео опубликовано It Came From the VCR (@vhsdude)

Cover photo: Depositphotos

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