Instagram of the Day: Naked Yoga

Anonymous athlete post her nude yoga pictures on Instagram.

Less than a month ago a young woman who preferred to remain anonymous registered the account Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) on Instagram, where she started posting the pictures of herself doing yoga naked. All photos were taken in the home studio of the athlete. The blog gained more than 33,000 subscribers in four weeks.

In her interview to The Cut the young woman said that she registered an account to popularize yoga and teach people to accept and love their bodies. She confessed she likes doing yoga naked, because nude yoga gives her a feeling of freedom.

I have always loved different kind of sports. I love the feeling what you get when your body is cabable of doing different things. ❤ Most of my days I'm sitting in front of a computer and thinking. It’s very relaxing and nice to just do something physical. When I do running or core training I do things mechanically and my thoughts can ​​wonder elswhere. In yoga I really have to focus on my breath and movements. ❤ When I do difficult poses I forget the whole other world around me. Each one of my cells is involved in the movement. After that I feel usually physically tired and relaxed but my mind is energetic and refreshed.❤ #yoga #yogi #nudeyogagirl #nudeyoga #yogalove #yogapose #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #yogaeveryday #yogini #art #fitness #inspiration #fit #health #asana #pilates #yogagirl #instayoga #igyoga #artist #photographer #modeling #yogainspiration #coreofgratitude #flexibility #blackandwhitephotography #blackandwhite #justartspiration

Фото опубликовано Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl)

First of December! I love Christmas time! Not because of gifts or Christmas traditions. I love it because we give more time for our love, food and relaxing. Nowadays it's so ordinary that people are busy all the time. I know also what performing means in life. It's easy to think that the more productive we are the better it is. But no, life goes too fast, if we don't stop and just breath in the moment. And in my opinion to be creative you need time to get a bit bored also.. New ideas come out when your mind has space for them. Rememer to slow down and you will thank yourself later.❤ #yoga #yogi #nudeyogagirl #yogalove #yogapose #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #yogaeveryday #yogapractice #yogini #art #fitness #inspiration #fit #healthy #asana #pilates #yogagirl #instayoga #igyoga #artist #photographer #modeling #yogainspiration #coreofgratitude #flexibility #blackandwhitephotography #blackandwhite

Фото опубликовано Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl)

I wanted to take off everything unnecessary from the pictures on my account. Nudity in social media is a taboo but on the other hand the nakedness and rawness of my photos reflect well what I want to tell people with my account. ❤ Nowadays we easily determine how much we are worth with materialistic things. A new car, luxury hand bags or design furniture… We see ourselves as much better if we have a well trained body and our hair is shining after the hairdressers. Or am I wrong? ❤ Who we are does not equal with what we own. I believe it's something much more deeper. ❤ Materials trap you and make you selfish. Freedom comes when your happiness and satisfaction doesn't depend on materialistic things. ❤ I'm only on my first steps in the journey towards understanding all of this fully. I've however noticed that instead of pursuing wealth and pleasure, I pursue something much more permanent and fundamental. ❤ #yoga #yogi #nudeyogagirl #nudeyoga #yogapose #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #yogalove #yogaeverywhere #yogaeveryday #yogapractice #yogini #art #inspiration #fit #pilates #yogagirl #instayoga #igyoga #artist #photographer #modeling #coreofgratitude #flexibility #blackandwhitephotography #blackandwhite #artsy #arts_help #artspiration

Фото опубликовано Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl)

My account is anonymous but if you want to know a bit more about me… @thecut / @nymag asked me a few questions. ❤ One of my answers below. Why did you want to create this account? I always try to find new ways to express myself. I'm very inspired by yoga and photography, so I wanted to bring the two of them together in a pure way. I also love to write and give people tips for healthier and happier lives. My biggest issue in the past was that I saw faults in my body all the time, and that made it impossible for me to love myself fully. The way you look doesn't matter — anybody can see faults and have that feeling of not liking themselves. With my account I want to inspire people to realize that everybody is very beautiful and capable of [doing] amazing things with their bodies. Yoga helped me accept my body exactly the way it is. Nowadays people can easily get a very false idea of ideal beauty and what nudity truly means because it's shown mostly in a sexual and unrealistic way. #yoga #yogi #nudeyogagirl #nudeyoga #yogapose #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #yogalove #yogaeverywhere #yogini #art #yogagirl #instayoga #igyoga #artist #photographer #modeling #coreofgratitude #flexibility #blackandwhitephotography #blackandwhite #artsy #arts_help #artspiration

Фото опубликовано Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl)

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