Time Chooses 100 Best Photographs of the Year

The final list includes photographs that document the most important events of the outgoing year.

Time published a selection of 100 best photographs of the year, which includes the photographs that document the most important events of 2016: from the referendum to leave the EU in Great Britain to the presidential campaign in the United States, from Rio Olympics to the ongoing conflict in the Middle East.

The list includes, among other photographs, the photo of smiling Usain Bolt during the 100 meter run at the Olympics, the photo of a participant of protest for the rights of black population in the US, which many people compared to the iconic Tank Man photo by AP Jeff Widener, and a viral photo of Hillary Clinton where dozens of her supporters turned their back on her to take a selfie.

“In the waning hours of 2015, as we reflected on the images produced by a year dominated by Europe’s migrant crisis, the world hoped that policy changes might ease the burden on thousands of people fleeing Syria, Iraq and other countries at war,” the authors say. “Unfortunately, 2016 has brought us more of the same heart-wrenching photographs. Yet, 2016 was also a year of achievements.”

All the photographs selected by Time are available here.


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