
Сказка и пыль: Burning Man 2017

Всю неделю в пустыне Блэк-Рок в штате Невада проходит фестиваль Burning Man — самое место и время для радикального самовыражения. За период существования фестиваля число фотографий в инстаграме с хештегом #burningman перевалило за 750 тысяч. Мы сделали подборку постов бернеров этого года.

#PlayaWarrior ???? #BurningMan ?

Публикация от Paris Hilton (@parishilton)

It's that time of the year again… 70,000 people have checked out from the default world and embarked on a week long party known as Burning Man. They have forgotten about their real names and jobs. They've lost all reference to time and money. But most importantly, they are all coming together without judgement to enjoy some of the most sensory pleasing art forms in the world. Personally, it's hard to sit back from the other side of the world and understand what I'm currently missing out on, but two things keep me smiling regardless. The first is that I've been lucky enough to experience it first hand, and the second is that I know I'll be back. Welcome home to those of you who are endulging this year, and I wish you all the best on your burn ? #burningman #blackrockcity #brc #burningman2017 #playaskool #nevada #desert #blackrockdesert #welcomehome #burners

Публикация от Benjamin Berlin (@benjamin.berlin)

Because it's #tututuesday I'll #throwback to one more pic this week! #takemehome #burningman #duststorm

Публикация от val val (@vals_polaroids)

Back to this magical place?. #BurningMan ?: @

Публикация от E͟͟V͟͟E͟͟L͟͟I͟͟N͟͟A (@evelina)


Публикация от Adrienne Beitcher (@wayutovabee)

#BurningMan, un altro mondo è possibile: il festival dell'utopia nel deserto del #Nevada

Публикация от Francesco Subioli (@francescosubioli)

One day…⭐??❤ #burningman #festival #desert #festivallife

Публикация от Love Fair & Ethical (@lovefairandethical)

#tbt Postcards from the Deep Playa ? #daydreaming #burningman

Публикация от ??‍? e r i n • l u m ? (@marinerinn)

which way #burningman #love # together

Публикация от Antoine Choque (@antoine.choque)

Big cat ?#art #nevada #burningman #cat

Публикация от Anne-Charlotte Triplet (@annechatouille)

my new quad #burning man #speed #fun

Публикация от Antoine Choque (@antoine.choque)

Before the madness begins!

Публикация от Noιze_Ѕυppreѕѕor (@noize_suppressor)

sunset at playa ? . ? @rbaldin . #burningman2017 #burnergirls #BURNINGMAN

Публикация от ᴇʟɪ ◈ (@elisabecker)

İ loved that ?? #burningman2017 #blackrockcity #burningman #festival #festivalfashion #edm #burnergirls #brc

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#hybycozo #burningman #burningman2017

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