
День за днём: Инстаграмы стран и континентов

Bird In Flight собрал шесть блогов — участников движения Everyday, в которых каждый день появляются зарисовки из жизни страны или даже целого континента.

Движение Everyday началось в начале 2012 года с блога про Африку, который запустили документальный фотограф Питер ДиКампро и писатель Остин Меррилл. Они хотели разрушить стереотипы о бедности местных жителей и постоянных войнах — как представляют африканский континент в СМИ. Заручившись поддержкой фотографов, ДиКампро и Меррилл создали акаунт в Инстаграме. Затем такие же блоги решили создать себе жители других стран, частей света и континентов: Ближнего Востока, Азии, Латинской Америки, Восточной Европы, Ирана, России, Шри-Ланки, Египта, Ямайки.

Позже ДиКампро объединил снимки разных everyday-блогов для выставки на фестивале Photoville в Нью-Йорке. Сейчас таких проектов стало уже достаточно много. Bird In Flight выбрал шесть самых интересных из них.



I am looking at Sergey. The steam is coming from him. Sergey goes to the steam house every weekend. Sometimes he goes there with friends but mostly alone. "It's quieter and I am able to think about what has happened during the week, settle my mind, my inner world is in peace and quiet, so to say. My wife makes me mint tea with honey in the thermos flask. I always buy a firry sauna whisk for steaming". Kostroma. Я смотрю на Сергея. От него идет пар. Сергей ходит в баню каждый выходной. Иногда с друзьями, но больше любит один. "Так спокойнее и можно подумать о том, что случилось за неделю и привести свои мысли в порядок, отдохнуть душой, так сказать. Жена заваривает мне в термосе мятный чай с медом. Я всегда покупаю пихтовый веник для парения". Кострома. Photo by Ira Emets. @iraemets #everydayrussia #russia #sauna #kostroma

Фото опубликовано Everyday Russia (@everyday.russianfederation)


Inside evacuation centers, you can immediately sense fear. But at the same time, you can hear the children's laughter. Here, a ball game, right before the setting sun. Many of these children have experienced many evacuations during their young life, and probably expects more. Being a Bakwit, a local term for IDPs, has become part of the lives of most of the residents in this part of Mindanao. Perpetually on the run, but perpetually hoping for peace. My last post for day 3 of my @everydayphilippines takeover. I will be posting for the page for 5 days as I continue to work on my long term personal documentary project here in Mindanao. Photo by Jes Aznar @jeszmann for @everydayphilippines #philippines #maguindanao #underthelordsshadow #everydayphilippines #everydayeverywhere #everydayasia #reportage #photojournalism #idp #peace #bakwit

Фото опубликовано #EverydayPhilippines (@everydayphilippines)

Still on my second day contributing to @everydayphilippines feed. Early morning in Datu Salibo, Maguindanao. The road leading to the national highway was always usually busy but this time it was not. The road was clear aside from two armored tanks and chickens crossing here and there, but that didn't interest me. Near an army detachment was a makeshift evacuation center and learned that the whole village of Tee, all 375 families are taking refuge there. "The first thing we heard was a loud blast coming from a bazooka" said Haula Malwa. She is 9 and this is her third time to evacuate from their village. In this picture, she was among others who desperately waits for relief assistance from anybody. But so far, very few had come and give. The estimated number of Internally Displaced Persons have already risen past a hundred thousand according to a recent report as conflict between government forces and the rebel group BIFF continues. The conflict in Mindanao, that has risen from many and complex reasons has been happening for more than forty years now. Photo by Jes Aznar @jeszmann for @everydayphilippines #philippines #mindanao #maguindanao #everydayphilippines #everydayeveywhere #everydayasia #conflict #idp #underthelordsshadow #feudalism #photojournalism #reportage

Фото опубликовано #EverydayPhilippines (@everydayphilippines)

2nd day of my @everydayphilippines takeover. On my way to Datu Piang, There was a huge crowd at the plaza of Sultan Kudarat town. There were lots of vendors and hawkers selling their colorful wares. As I found out, it was a day where residents line up to get conditional cash transfers or CCTs provided by the government. And it was a perfect day for hawkers to sell their goods, from fabrics to kitchen wares to cellphones. Sales was good said a vendor, but only when events like this happens. With a staggering 62 percent poverty incidence or with five in every six resident living under less than a dollar a day, Maguindanao is at the top of the poorest place in the Philippines. But cash assistance has been widely criticized by Filipinos, saying that it was just another form of corruption by government officials— a band aid move without really addressing the real causes of poverty in the Philippines. Photo by Jes Aznar @jeszmann for @everydayphilippines #philippines #maguindanao #everydayphilippines #everydayeverywhere #everydayasia #poverty #underthelordsshadow #reportage #photojournalism

Фото опубликовано #EverydayPhilippines (@everydayphilippines)


Ближний Восток

A tourist guide stands in the top of Mount Katherine in the Sinai. The local Bedouin guides help hikers through the mountains. Photo by @degnerd #Egypt

Фото опубликовано Everyday Middle East (@everydaymiddleeast)

A woman on the phone infront of Harvey Nichols' window display at Mall of the Emirates in Dubai- photo by Natalie Naccache @natnacphotos #dxb #shopping #moe

Фото опубликовано Everyday Middle East (@everydaymiddleeast)

Восточная Европа

A cow from Hordova village. Bucovina. Ukraine. Photo by Ramin Mazur / @raminmazur #bucovina #ukraine #everydayeasterneurope #everydayeverywhere

Фото опубликовано Everyday Eastern Europe (@everydayeasterneurope)

Street scene. Arad, Romania, 2015. Photo by Ciprian Hord/@ciprianhord for @everydayeasterneurope #everydayeverywhere #romania #ciprianhord #outofthephone

Фото опубликовано Everyday Eastern Europe (@everydayeasterneurope)

Spring. Sevastopol, Crimea. Photo: Vitaly Fomenko/@fomenkoarthouse #Sevastopol #Crimea #Ukraine #Russia #everydayeasterneurope #everydayeverywhere #everydaycrimea

Фото опубликовано Everyday Eastern Europe (@everydayeasterneurope)

Singer in the Jitomir Hotel in Montana, Bulgaria. Photo by Jodi Hilton #everydayeverywhere #everydayeasterneurope @jodihilton

Фото опубликовано Everyday Eastern Europe (@everydayeasterneurope)

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