Magnum Photos Selects the Best Photographs of 2016

The selection includes the works of Gueorgui Pinkhassov, Olivia Arthur, Abbas, and Steve McCurry.

Magnum Photos published a selection of photographs taken by Magnum photojournalists in the past 12 months compiled by British photographer Martin Parr, Magnum President.

“I was very struck, when reviewing the shortlist for the best of the year, from my Magnum colleagues by the rich variety of places, events and people they have encountered over 2016,” Parr says. “The need to record and interpret world events feels as urgent now as it ever has and Magnum photographers are out there adding to the remarkable archive that has been created since their founding in 1947. They can create eloquent images that help us to understand and witness this crazy world we all inhabit.”

Among the best is the image of a street peddler in London taken by a Russian photographer Gueorgui Pinkhassov, the photograph of protests in the French refugee camp, taken by Jérôme Sessini, who has also been covering the events in Ukraine for a long time, and a photo by Iranian photographer Abbas who captured the reaction of French football fans to the goal against their team during the European football championship.

Also on the list is the photograph of the Cuban wedding taken by Carl De Keyzer and a photograph by Richard Kalvar that captures a handshake of US State Secretary John Kerry and the Grand Mufti of Egypt Shawki Ibrahim Abdel-Karim Allam.

The selection includes 48 photographs: all of them are available at the website of Magnum Photos.

Cover photo: Abbas

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