Amazon Plastered Nazi Insignias on New York City Subway

The advertisement for Man in High Castle series was criticized by the citizens.

To advertise the release of Man in High Castle series Amazon store painted the seats in some cars of the New York City Subway with American flags with the elements of Nazi insignias, Mashable writes.

This way the authors reflected the plot of the series, which describes the events in the 1960s America, divided between the Third Reich and the Empire of Japan.

Many citizens of New York City were perplexed: “I get that they’re promoting a TV show, but that subway car decked out in Nazi German and Imperial Japanese imagery really creeps me out”, — on of them wrote.

In response MTA spokesman Adam Lisberg said that the advertising campaign meets all standards: “Unless you’re saying that you believe Amazon is advocating for a Nazi takeover of the United States, then it meets the standards. They’re advertising a show”.

Amazon presented a pilot episode of Man in High Castle in January, and started filming a full-scale ten episode film after.

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