Apple Denies iCloud Leak

The Company denies the breach of its online repository.

Suspicions in iCloud file repository breach which appeared after thousand of celebrities’ intimate photos Web publication have been denied by Apple Corporation.

“After 40 hours of investigation it appeared that mentioned accounts turned to be the victims of the targeted fishing addressed directly to the passwords and secret questions recognition,” — Apple commented. Besides, according to the Company’s announcement there were not used either hacker “brute force technique” or “Find-my-iPhone” application.

Apparently, the system of two-step authentication was not activated at the attacked accounts, and simplicity of secret questions gave to the hackers a chance to recover the passwords and get the access to the accounts.

Let us remind that in the beginning of this week intimate photos of Jennifer Lawrence and other celebrities appeared in Web. It was assumed that exactly iCloud repository breach caused the leak of intimate photos.

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