UKRAINEPRIDE organization released a social cause reel on queer-community life during the war

UKRAINEPRIDE organization filmed a social cause clip “Pride is not available in your region” about the life of the Ukrainian LGBTIQ community in wartime. The project’s release was supported by the dating app Taimi and dedicated to the international Pride Month.

Last year a political campaign Reyvakh Pride was organized in front of the Presidential Office to draw the society’s attention to the queer people safety, police randomly targeting the cultural community and radicalized groups crimes left unpunished. Reyvakh Pride had to turn into an annual event, but the year 2022 saw it impossible to be held as the Russian army has made a full-scale attack. The movement’s participants are now actively engaged in protecting Ukraine – and this social cause video is based on the stories of real military, medical workers and volunteers.

Backstage filming “Pride is not available in your region”. Photo: UKRAINEPRIDE

The project aims to show the world how this war affected Ukraine and what future its citizens are envisioning for themselves. The video was directed by Yuriy Dvizhon, a creative director at UKRAINEPRIDE.

“Now, during the Pride Month, while the whole world is fighting for the LGBTIQ rights, in Ukraine the members of this community are fighting for their lives, their land and democratic values. Ukrainian society must have an opportunity to develop internally, without any authoritarian impact or having other countries impose their values here. That’s why today we have to unite and raise international awareness on how destructive this war could be towards the LGBTIQ people,” notes Yana Andyol, head of communications at Taimi.


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