Агентство Magnum Photos проводит распродажу снимков

Печатные версии 78 фоторабот, отобранных агентством, в течение нескольких дней можно приобрести по $100 за каждую.

Фотоагентство Magnum Photos объявило распродажу снимков из своих архивов: в течение нескольких дней — до 8 июня — любой желающий может приобрести печатную версию одной из предложенных работ за $100.

Как правило, на подобных распродажах Magnum Photos собирает снимки, объединенные общей темой: в этот раз по сниженным ценам продают фотографии, которые имеют отношение к теме свободы. Ее выбрали по случаю 50 лет, прошедших с 1968-го — «года, на который выпал целый ряд важных социальных и политических изменений», говорят в агентстве.

Среди предложенных фотографий есть работы как современных авторов, так и классиков. В их числе — Роберт Капа, Аббас, Антуан д’Агата, Георгий Пинхасов, Томас Дворжак. Приобрести снимки можно на сайте Magnum Photos.

@davidhurnphoto selects his idea of "total freedom" for the Magnum Square Print Sale. The signed print is available until 6pm EST on Friday. Just tap on the image or click the link in bio. . "'Grace is the beauty of form under the influence of freedom.' Friedrich Schiller . I have spent many enjoyable days, months in Arizona: a place totally opposite in politics and weather to my home country of Wales, thus interesting. . The people, though, are similar, extremely welcoming and generous with their time, attention, and friendship. . Total freedom seems to me to be tubing on the salt river. Floating down a river in a lorry wheel inner-tube, embellished with a floating picnic. Soaking in the sun and showing off one's, probably, burnt body." — David Hurn . PHOTO: Arizona, USA. 1980 . © @davidhurnphoto/#MagnumPhotos . #MAGNUMSQUARE #FREEDOM #DavidHurn

Публикация от Magnum Photos (@magnumphotos)

@jacobauesobolnew shares the story behind his Square Print Sale submission.The signed print is available until Friday. Link in image and bio. . "'Whoa, whoa!' Hans stops the dogs. I can feel it too; the ice below us is thin. Hans ceaselessly hacks the ice with the handle of his whip to see if it can bear our weight. We're on our way to a land-locked lake to catch trout. Last night, with five dogs in the boat, we sailed from Tiniteqilaaq to the edge of the Amitsivardiva Fjord. Without solid ice, the trip takes less than an hour. Today it takes five. When the ice gets too thick for the boat we continue by sledge. Hans once fell through the ice with his dog team. The current under the ice was strong and almost dragged him toward the darkness. Trapped in the icy waters, Hans thought he would die. It wasn't until he thought of his daughter that he managed to gather enough strength to fight his way back to the surface. We can now see open water across the ice, so we're forced to head for land and make a detour along the foot of the mountains. We slow down, as does our breathing, and our sweat turns cold. The rain pours down. The mountains arch above us, enclosing us, luring us further and further toward the end of the fjord where new mountains await new tracks." — Jacob Aue Sobol . PHOTO: A hunter and his dogsled caught in a snowstorm on their way home. Tiniteqilaaq, Greenland. 2000 . © @jacobauesobolnew/#MagnumPhotos . #MAGNUMSQUARE #FREEDOM #JacobAueSobol

Публикация от Magnum Photos (@magnumphotos)

#Repost @magnumphotos ・・・ This is a rare chance to own a piece of photographic history! 50 years on from May '68, Bruno Barbey is making this image available in the Magnum Square Print Sale. Buy the signed print for $100 until Friday. Link in image or bio. . "After a long trip in Southeast Asia (the Vietnam War was raging) and Japan, I returned to Paris in the Spring of '68, where major riots were taking place. I photographed the majority of demonstrations in Paris. For weeks, my clothes were soaked from the stubborn odor of tear gas. . There was an urgency to communicate, to speak with one another, to question everything; it was the rebellion of a generation against that which society had prepared for it, against all that came from above. May '68 was also an indispensable luxury at the time of the Prague Spring, as Prague was being crushed by the tanks from the Warsaw Pact." — Bruno Barbey . PHOTO: Students hurling objects at the police. Boulevard Saint-Germain, 6th arrondissement, Paris, France. May 6, 1968 . © #BrunoBarbey/#MagnumPhotos . #MAGNUMSQUARE #FREEDOM #May1968

Публикация от Fondation René Burri (@fondationreneburri)

:camera_with_flash: Liberté :camera_with_flash: Magnum Photos et lepetitjournal.com vous font découvrir une vente exceptionnelle d’images d’archives sur shop.magnumphotos.com Jusqu'au 8 juin. Une sélection prestigieuse sur le thème “Liberté” avec plus de 70 photographes de l'agence Magnum, chaque tirage (15.2cm x 15.2cm, 100US$) sera signé :writing_hand::skin-tone-3: • PHOTO: Tiananmen Square. Beijing, China. 1989 • © #StuartFranklin / #MagnumPhotos • "'Man is free, but men aren't. There are no limits to the freedom of one, there is no freedom for all. All is an empty room, a clumsy abstraction until one finds one's independence is lost.' Louis Aragon (1925) . . . . . #MAGNUMSQUARE #FREEDOM #lepetitjournalhongkong #press #mediahk #expat #expatslife #expatlivinghk #expatguide #hk #photo #photosale #magnumphotos

Публикация от lepetitjournal_hongkong (@lepetitjournal_hongkong)

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