Ukraine launches a website for those, who witnessed war crimes of the russian army

Together with the Ukrainian and international partners, the Attorney General’s Office created a resource to document war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Ukraine by the russian army. Documented evidence will be used according to the Ukrainian law for criminal prosecution of those involved in the crime at the International Criminal Court in Hague and at the ad hoc tribunal, after it has been established, — National Police of Ukraine reports.
The Attorney General’s Office appeals to the witnesses of war crimes and asks them to submit photos, video materials or any other relevant data to Witnesses must provide their personal information, describe the crime, including the exact location, victims, damage, etc., and upload evidence. The institution guarantees witness and information protection.
Examples of war crimes:
— civil infrastructure damage;
— shells’ fragment found within the cities’ borders;
— injuries or deaths of the civilians due to the russian army shelling;
— positioning and exploiting of military equipment within residential neighborhoods, fighting and shelling within residential neighborhoods;
— violence against medical staff, damage to medical transport, hospitals, equipment, etc.;
— violence against clergy, damage to / destruction of cathedrals, mosques, synagogues, etc.;
— use of civilian clothes, uniforms of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, emblems of humanitarian or medical institutions by the russian army;
— facts of physical violence or imprisonment of the civilians;
— use of civil infrastructure for military purposes;
— seizure of property, robbery;
— refusal to provide medical assistance or blocking access to medical staff.
According to the official sources, 79 children were killed and almost 100 received injuries during the 16 days of the war. The biggest number of victims were reported in the Kyiv, Kharkiv, Donetsk, Sumy, Kherson, and Zhytomyr regions. More than 280 educational institutions were demolished; 9 of them are destroyed beyond repair. 110 educational institutions were destroyed in the Donetsk region, 28 — in the Sumy region, 17 educational institutions and 10 children’s hospitals — in Kyiv.
Photo: Press in destroyed Kharkiv city center, March 1, 2022 / Pavel Dorogoy / Depositphotos