Bird in Flight Prize '18

Panasonic Readers’ Choice Award Results

Results of the open voting by the special Bird in Flight Prize '18 nomination — Panasonic Readers’ Choice Award

Bird in Flight Prize is the international award for innovative approaches in telling a story through a photograph. The contest is held in partnership with Photo Kyiv fair.

This nomination consisted of 30 photoseries selected by the editorial board of Bird in Flight. A winner was chosen by open voting. The prize is a Panasonic Lumix G9 camera.

The winner is Valentyn Odnoviun’s project “Surveillance”.



729 votes

2. Vinietka (Ukrainian graduation album), Join The Cool (Genia Volkov, Anastasiya Lazurenko, Kristina Podobed, Daria Svertilova), Ukraine

307 votes

3. Grandmothers on the edge of the Heaven, Elena Subach, Ukraine

260 votes

4. Your next step would be to do the Transmission, Valentine Bo, Ukraine

124 votes

5. Roots of the heart grow together, Valentin Sidorenko, Russia

105 votes

6. Emigrants, Vasiliy Slavinskiy, Ukraine

103 votes

7. My country is my home, SALT, Russia

89 votes

8. Für mich., Sina Niemeyer, Germany

81 votes

9. The Sleep of Reason, Ihor Hora, Ukraine

64 votes

10. LUCIA, Maria Ionova-Gribina, Russia

55 votes

11. Blind Spot, Maxim Sarychau, Belarus

53 votes

12. The Broken Sea, Irina Sadchikova, Russia

42 votes

13. The Last Straw, Maxime Matthys, Belgium

42 votes

14. Daring & Youth, Yulia Krivich, Ukraine

38 votes

15. ECHO, Angeniet Berkers, The Netherlands

38 votes

16. Turtles, Ioanna Sakellaraki, Greece

35 votes

17. Wild Fields, Michał Sierakowski, Poland

34 votes

18. Useful Deeds, Anastasia Rudenko, Russia

27 votes

19. Go there, I do not know where, Take a picture of that I do not know what, Andrey Ivanov, Russia

26 votes

20. Russia Close-Up, Alexander Anufriev, Russia

26 votes

21. The splitting of the chrysalis & the slow unfolding of the wings, Yorgos Yatromanolakis, Greece

24 votes

22. Honest Orifice, Katrina Stamatopoulos, Australia

23 votes

23. Snapkins, Maksim Finogeev, Ukraine

22 votes


21 votes

25. NA4JOPM8, Igor Chekachkov, Ukraine

19 votes

26. Liminal, Kelli Pennington, USA

18 votes

27. Journey to the Interior, Garrett Grove, USA

16 votes

28. Foundation of Power, Michael Radford, England

12 votes

29. Electorate, Max Romensky, Ukraine

11 votes

30. Finisterrae (2nd chapter), Michele Palazzi, Italy

11 votes

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