Bird in Flight Prize '18

Bird in Flight Prize ’18 finalist: The Migrant

Project of the Dutch photographer Anaïs López shortlisted for the Bird in Flight Prize ’18.

Anaïs Galanne López, The Netherlands

The Migrant tells the turbulent life story of the Javan Mynah. This bird is originally from Java (Indonesia) and was introduced in Singapore via the songbird trade in the early 20th century. Following the Second World War, Singapore underwent rapid change, transforming from a rubber trading post into a modern metropolis. In an effort to compete with the increasing urban noise, the Mynah’s beautiful singing voice became a shrill screech. This story of a hunted songbird, functions as a metaphor for the migrant. With a dash of magical realism.

López consciously chooses to step outside the well-known paths of presentation methods and platforms traditionally suitable for the medium of photography. What fascinates her is how people try to find (or make) a place in an urban area. The Migrant links to larger urban themes as the difficult relationship between humans and animals, the consequences of rapid urban development and the position of the unwanted stranger in the city.

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