Interactive Map Shows the Most Popular Photo Spots All Over the World

Swiss photographer Mike Wong developed an interactive map called PhotoSpots where he showed the most popular places around the world to take photographs, PetaPixel writes. According to the author, he used data included in the images uploaded by the users of 500px, a popular photo service.
Wong showed the popularity level of a certain place with an analogue of a heatmap — the more photographs are taken in a certain location, the redder is its color on the map. The map can also be scaled for convenience — and when users zoom on a certain area, photographs that were taken there are shown in the lower part of the screen.
“I love traveling and finding new spots to photograph,” the creator of PhotoSpots says. “A few weeks ago, I thought that it would be interesting to see where and when other photographers were taking photos, so I decided to create a small website that shows exactly that.”