Инстаграм дня: Айфоны будущего

Аншуман Гош публикует работы, в которых представляет, чем может стать айфон в будущем.

Южноафриканский художник и дизайнер Аншуман Гош публикует в своём Инстаграме @moography серию ироничных иллюстраций, в которых представляет, какие ещё функции могли бы выполнять айфоны будущего.

Hi there everyone! In this digital world that surrounds us, one may think that paper has become irrelevant and obsolete. But has it? I don't think so. Paper to me still holds a very special place and one that no amount of digitisation can replace. Words which are nothing more than a combination of 0s and 1s on a computer screen transform into something concrete and permanent when printed on a piece of paper — to be read and cherished over the years. That is the power of paper. Come along with me as I explore the beautiful world of paper along with PaperOne(@paperoneglobal) #sp #morethanjustpaper #artwork #arts_gallery PS: in case you were wondering, I'm officially back on Instagram ???! After what I can only describe as a sabbatical that went on for too long, you will see a lot more Moography on your Instagram feed ?.

Фото опубликовано Anshuman Ghosh (@moography)

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