Инстаграм дня: Маленький человек и большой мир

Фотограф Мишель Матти показал, каким крошечным кажется человек по сравнению с природой.

Американский фотограф Майкл Матти ведёт блог о путешествиях, где публикует пейзажные снимки диких и далёких мест. Чтобы показать всю мощь природы, он размещает в кадре человека в красной куртке, который выглядит крошечным на фоне водопадов, гор и океанов.

Lynndale Park in Lynnwood, Washington. — — — † — This photo makes me think of 'Background', my favorite song by @Lecrae. — — — "It's evident You run the show, so let me back down. You take the leading role, and I'll play the background. I know I miss my cues, know I forget my lines I'm sticking to Your script, and I'm reading all Your signs. I don't need my name in lights. I don't need a starring role. And why gain the whole wide world, if I'm just gon' loose my soul. And my ways ain't pure if I don't live according to Your Word. I can't endure this life without Your wisdom being heard. So word to every dancer for a pop star, Cause we all play the background, but mine's a Rock Star. Yeah. So if you need me I'll be stage right. Prayin' the whole world will start embracing stage fright. So let me fall back and stop giving my suggestions Cause when I follow my obsessions I end up confessing. That I'm not that impressive, matter of fact I'm who I are. A trail of star dust leading to the Superstar." — Such a good reminder that its not about taking center stage and letting others see how "great" we are but instead about our lives pointing to God so people can see how wonderful He is. — — "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." — 1 Corinthians 10:31 #faithfilledcaptions #LynndalePark #Lynnwood #Washington

Фото опубликовано Michael Matti (@michaelmatti)

A waterfall up in British Columbia. — I love standing close to waterfalls like this. I may get cold and soaking wet from all the mist but it is always so refreshing. — — † Maybe today you're feeling down on yourself or feeling like you can't be used by God because of things you've done. But it's not about what you've done, instead it's about what Christ did. His loving merciful grace abounds. Soak it up and let it refresh you. God's track record also encourages us to know we are worthy in His eyes. If he can use some of the people He used in the Bible, He can certainly use you too. Paul, David, and Moses were all murderers and they still served God in the most incredible ways. So always remember that you are forgiven, loved, and worthy. #faithfilledcaptions #explorebc #humanpoweredadventures #BritishColumbia #SteelheadFalls

Фото опубликовано Michael Matti (@michaelmatti)

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