Video Blogger with 6 Million Subscribers Ends His Vlog

For the past 18 months, Casey Neistat has been making one video a day, which made him one of the most popular vloggers in the world.

Casey Neistat from the US, 35, one of the most popular video bloggers on YouTube, announced he was ending he daily vlog, which lasted 18 months, PetaPixel writes.

Neistat explained that this idea started as his creative challenge to himself, but had gotten old and stopped being enjoyable.

“This vlog turned into the one thing that I didn’t want it to be when it started,” Neistat says. “The creative challenge faded away, something easier took its place, and then that easier thing was exasperated by wild success on YouTube. But there was no more this creative fight that I want and need every day.”

In 1.5 years Neistat published over 500 videos, and most of them had millions of views, and Internet users noted the creative approach of the author.

Neistat also says that he doesn’t plan to close his channel: he will continue to create video content, but wants to find new, fresher formats.

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